Wednesday, November 28, 2012


"Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full..." ~ Rumi 

Three times in as many days I've sat down to write, and patience was the always the theme that came to me. I've felt like I've been endlessly patient these last few months, and that my patience has been tested time and again, and that I was growing very weary of the waiting. But I just couldn't get what I was feeling into words, and it seemed like I had it all wrong on the page and in my heart. Because I wasn't feeling patient at all, even if I was acting like it. I was struggling with the pull of wanting to be somewhere other than where I am, to be further down the road, to be past some of the big hurdles looming and on into whatever comes next. Then this morning I saw this Rumi quote and it turned me right around. It reminded me there is beauty and love in every moment, and I need to take them as they come instead of longing for the next. Rushing or forcing things to happen is futile, resisting what is keeps peace at bay. Everything is as it should be right now in this moment, and everything will unfold as it is meant to. All I need to do is love what is. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

i hear you

love needs no sound
to be heard
in the heart
of another.

open hearts connect
in thundering silence.

let it flow into
your every curve,
let it shine
from every angle.

live your life
lit up in love
and the whole world
will hear.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Everyday Miracles

I am amazed by the
everyday miracles
piling up around me.

Slivers of magic,
flecks of gold,
droplets of light
raining down,
spilling over my shoulders,
gathering at my feet.

I am grateful for
the abundant gifts
of an open heart.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Wait No More

Always waiting,
though there's nothing
to wait for.
All that exists is this moment,
and it's wasted
in the waiting.

Always wondering,
though there's nothing
to know.
For in the next moment,
nothing will be
as you knew it anyway.

It is true that you only have
one life.
But it is more true that you only have
one moment.
This one.

No more are promised.
Be grateful as they come.
Trust they are just as they should be.
Light them up with love.

You make your life
by making the most
of your moments.

Wait no more.
Wonder no more.
Now is your moment,
now is your life.