Saturday, April 28, 2012

Up to the Challenge

There are two little blond boys
sharing a chair, a game, and a laugh.
They are the epitome of mindfulness,
and I envy how there is nothing
but this moment for them.

I know I cannot protect them
from the evolution of the mind,
that thoughts of past and future
will come to trouble them soon enough.

But I can vow to teach them as they grow
all that I am learning just now,
of gratitude and compassion and kindness
toward oneself as much as others.

If I can help guide them toward
awareness, acknowledgement, acceptance
of all that is inside and out,
perhaps they will know the peace and satisfaction
of an authentic life, well-lived in truth
to the unique spirits they are.

This is no small feat,
but I am up to the challenge.

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