Saturday, August 25, 2012

From the Lookout

My dreams are vast tonight
though I've yet to close my eyes.

Stretching out before me
are the peaks and valleys
of a life well lived.

Mountains of experience
born of chances taken
and boundaries pushed -
that inner voice, followed.

Images rolling by, a cold mountain
stream of stories tumbling
through time, and just as clear.

A calm mind and a full heart
declare destiny, not fantasy,
and all will be familiar
when these moments come to pass.

"Welcome back," they'll whisper.
"Welcome home.
We always knew you'd come."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

La Bella Luna

Such comfort
in the moon tonight.
She offers wisdom
without fail.

Round and full
or a sliver of herself,
elegant and luminous
or obscured by clouds,
every variation of her being
is of equal value.

Steady she goes
through the constant cycles,
change in every moment,
and yet always right where
she should be.

A valuable lesson learned
with a simple skyward gaze.

I am ever grateful to be learning.