Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Matter of Perspective

Yes, it's old. (Or is it well-loved? Vintage?)
And yellow. (Or is it daffodil? Sunlight?)

Depends on how you see it.

How I see it is this:
Deep and long and filled with
steaming hot water,
with room to uncurl limbs,
and rest and soak and dream.

I did it all today,
and more.
A Day In The Life
like no other before it.

Yes, it was hard. (Or was it character building? Experiential?)
And unfamiliar. (Or was it exploratory? An adventure?)

Depends on how you see it.

How I see it is this:
Just like the old bathtub -
perfectly imperfect,
as it is meant to be,
and mine, all mine.

Bring on tomorrow.

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